Coming together to build a better tomorrow for all children of West Virginia
This website was developed in late 2022 with a grant from the McDonough Foundation to be one source for a variety of information about foster care (and the wider child welfare system) in Wood County. It was developed in hopes that a range of stakeholders could come together to work on ways to improve the support of foster children and foster parents, and families impacted by the child welfare system.
The website is maintained now in hopes it can be a useful resource, and hopefully spur some conversation and dialogue (and hopefully action!) to improve foster care in our Wood County community.
There are links to all the foster care agencies in West Virginia and their websites. There are links to “related community services” which we hope you will find useful. There is a link to the state level “child welfare dashboard” (which also links to individual counties monthly numbers).
Initially, we wanted to provide articles, resource that others could submit/ connect to, but frankly that has been a “sporadic” thing throughout 2023. We hope the few items posted will give at least a sense of how this could be used to stimulate dialogue and reflect some local considerations and issues.
West Virginia now has the highest ratio of child victims in the country: 17 per 1,000 children, which is twice the national average.
Copyright © 2022 Wood County West Virginia Foster Care Initiative. All Rights Reserved.